
Don't we all deserve a staycation?

by - September 03, 2024


In the hustle bustle of life, it's natural to forget the higher needs of life (read pampering and relaxation). It's the rule of life to slip into auto pilot mode, and just move with the flow. What gets lost in between is the zest for life. We all need to earn to run out lives and households, but there should always be a higher purpose of living. And in order to get in touch with that higher purpose, we need to get in touch with ourselves.

Speaking from a working mommy's point of view, our primary purpose in life would be the best (to our capabilities) upbringing of our children. However that doesn't kill ourselves as an individual. We too have desires and aspirations, and the want to be taken care of. Being the prime caregiver of a family is exhaustingly daunting, and that female tends to neglect her own self, which is detrimental because it robs her of her highest potential to take care of her kids and family. 

So men, you basically need to take greater care of your wife of you want a happier, healthier household. It's not an indulgence, it's a necessity. And the easiest way to get a couple of days off is to book a staycation.
A staycation may not need to be a burden on the finances. The blessed ones may book a five star resort to unwind but it doesn't have to be that way only. We are talking about a break from cooking and cleaning. So it can be anywhere, even at home. It can be an economic homestay, where cleaning services are included. You can order food online and just relax in the balcony of the room. Basically a change of scenery would do the much needed wonder. Or, if you have a supportive partner, you can even do it in your own home! Your partner should be willing to take up the job of tidying up, and you can order food online. And if you are fortunate enough, you can send the kids to their grandparents' for two days and recharge your batteries.

Slowing down is definitely not a luxury, it's a necessity. Meetings can wait and so can hustling. What can't is time and your health. Time is fleeting. You will never be this day old. Getting older is a privilege only when we make it like that. You don't want to drag your exhausted, sick self to the other side. And the easiest way to do that is to take care of your mind and body when you can, during your youth.

PS These pictures are from our staycation in The Lalit, Jaipur. The spa featured here is Rejuve the spa. It was a much needed break, and it fueled me for the next year. My first born was just 18 months, and I still trying to come to terms with navigating motherhood. I highly suggest new moms to take a break of two days, when you don't have to cook or clean.

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This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024.

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