
Michamvi peninsula, Zanzibar

by - April 13, 2024

 The world famous Rock Restaurant is located on the Pingwe beach in the Michamvi peninsula. We had scheduled our Rock visit during the afternoon only to realise that it was low tide when we reached there. So we changed our plans to have lunch at the Rock and go explore the Michamvi village instead.

People come to Michamvi all the time, all over from Zanzibar, but to visit the Rock restaurant. Tourists hardly stay in this village, although the beaches here are picturesque. Especially after the pandemic, most of the resorts had closed down. So it became quite a task, trying to find a good restaurant for our lunch. The sun was at its peak and we had parked our car at the entrance of the village. Exhaustion and hunger is hardly a good combination

Finally we reached this place that looked good. It was Sagando bungalows. I had a basa fillet while my vegetarian husband and daughter had curry with rice. There were multiple cats in the property who gave company to us 🤣

When the staff saw our enthusiasm in clicking pictures, they offered us to give a tour of their property. They took us to one of their bungalows which had an open bath. Open baths always fascinate me. Although we asked them what if someone needs to use the toilet when it rains? Because it pours there so frequently, and often heavily. The staff gave a hearty laugh!

We spent our afternoon lazying on that property before we gave a visit to the beach, which was 150 metres away. We could see a strip of land across the ocean, our last stay was located there.

Then we hit off to Pingwe beach, where we wanted to experience the Rock during high tide.

I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

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  1. I just loved the washroom pic, if one gets the chance to refresh in the midst of nature... aur kya cahiye bhai. Zindagi Garden garden ho jayega
