
Budgeting tips for a last minute trip

by - November 15, 2022

 So your best friend suddenly decides to get married to her long time partner. Good news is that the wedding is in another city and hence it would be a nice, short getaway with friends. Also, you get to be her bridesmaid, which means a lot of goodies and special memories. Bad news is that the trip is just a week away and you really don't have that much savings to pay for the expenses. You just bought a fancy new phone and hence your credit card limit is over. Ok, don't blame yourself, you did not see this coming, right? But then, how are you going to find the money you need? Fret not, being the avid budget planner I am, here are my few tried and tested tips to sail through this smoothly and happily. Read on!

1. Cut down your expenses before the trip. Just because the trip is just a week away, does not mean you can't utilize it. 

a. Make your coffee at home. Stop buying it from your fancy Barista.

b. Ditch the Uber and take the subway or bus to work. Bonus: that extra walking will make you fitter for the trip.

c. Don't eat out, cook at home. You can't even imagine how much you can save from just cutting down your takeaway expenses. Pack your lunch for work.

2. Apply for a Payday loan. So you thought of borrowing some moolah from your closest friend but could not because she, too, is going on this last minute trip! You don't want to call your parents and want to manage this on your own but then where's the solution? A payday loan. Yes, if you have not heard of this, you better do now because it's literally a life saver!

So what's a payday loan? It's basically short term borrowing which usually gets approved within 24 hours. You neither need a high Credit score nor the humungous amount of paperwork required for a conventional loan. If you have a salary, you are eligible for it. It's basically a part of your next pay check. Sites like Money Mutual help bring lenders and borrowers together. 

3. Budget your getaway. Book a train ticket instead of flying or take a road trip. You can convince your friends to do the same and accompany you. Buy food from the supermarkets on the way. The journey matters, right? In the end, you all would be overflowing with beautiful road trip memories. If you have to pay for the accommodation yourself, opt for a nearby Air BnB with a kitchen. Ditch the fancy hotel where the wedding guests are staying. Load up on groceries from the department store for the meals outside the ceremony. You will save a lot. You do have to pay back the payday loan, remember?

4. Sentiment over price tag. Instead of dreaming of getting that fancy appliance as a wedding gift, make her something sentimental. It's way more precious. Think of something outside the box, make a souvenir of your days spent together or create a trinket with your own hands. If she values you, your gift would be priceless for her nonetheless.

5. Shop your closet. We girls tend to go on a shopping spree whenever there's a trip planned. Instead of visiting the mall, rummage your closet. You would be surprised to find a ton of outfits that fit you, but you haven't worn them in a long time. Clean and iron them, pack them up. Same goes for the accessories. Upcycle and save.

Trust me guys, I use these time tested tips over and over and save a lot! I always believe in spending on experiences rather than fancy coffees or outfits. If you have more budgeting tips, feel free to add them in the comments below!

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  1. Never knew about payday loans. Could have helped me earlier. Anyways better late than never. Will use to in the future.

  2. These are some really practical and sensible tips to budget and save on your travel. We believe in the simple logic, the more you save, the more you can travel. Sandy N Vyjay

  3. The last minute budget is truly important and helpful. It forces you to map out your goals, save your money, keep track of your progress, and make your dreams a reality.

  4. I believe last minute budgets are really important because you never know what you might be missing out on. Though, it is essential to fix your budget for a trip, as it is the last moment vacation plan. Your entire trip is depending on your budget according to which you will decide dates, destination, hotel, and other activities.

  5. These tips are really helpful.
    Don’t use Uber, coffee shops, expenses etc.

    Yeah not only for sudden wedding attendance but also for few other occasions.

    U have written & explained very nicely.

  6. These are really all sensible and practical tips for last minute budgeting. Every penny saved on travel expenses helps in planing for your next travel. Sandy N VYjay

  7. You have discussed a topic that baffles almost everybody at some point in life. I am a victim because I love random travels. Next time I am going to look up Payday loans. It sounds like a great solution for last minute budget issues.

  8. You have pressed and answered the right chord. everyone loves travelling and these budgeting tips are good to keep in mind I have not heard of payday loans, will check more on it before i plan my next visit. Thanks buddy!
