
How does a Courtyard house in Budapest, Hungary look like?

by - June 13, 2020

So we started the most ambitious trip of our lives till date from Budapest, Hungary. Ambitious as it was the first time (and probably the last) that we had 5 countries on our itinerary. Although it went pretty well but I won't recommend to anyone....that too on a baby moon . Yes I was 19 weeks pregnant during this trip.
The windows had views of the courtyard

Who can imagine what's behind this door? An entire Courtyard house!

We landed in Budapest in the afternoon and we had booked an apartment in the Pest part of the city. Like always, we tried hunting accommodation in the city centre or very near to the metro station. Thankfully we got a good deal about 10 minutes walk from the main city centre

The building/society reminded me of a Mumbai chawl. Courtyard houses in Budapest or Hungarian cities are a norm. If you look up in the web, you would find myriads of pictures of such courtyard houses. Famous ones like the Brudern House has been converted to a luxury hotel. The lesser ones have been transformed into Boutique hotels. The architecture is intriguing. If you can understand what I am trying to say. Multiple flats on each floors encircling a common courtyard. Every one minded their own business as no one could be seen outside. However we had problems in opening the door.
Our host didn't live there. She had clear instructions about the number key. However we were yet to realize that the number combination didn't open the door of the house, it opened the safe in which the key had been kept. We put the number combination and pulled the door and waited for it to budge but in vain.
 After half an hour of futile attempts, I knocked our neighbor's door where a bunch of youngsters lived. The girl was sweet and she called up our host but her number was not reachable. Then she came out to see our lock. She simply pulled the cover of the safe and voila there were our keys!
Nothing in the world could have made us think that way. Anyways it was a big lesson for us as it helped us enter the flat in Prague, Czech republik. Seems this is a custom in this part of the world!

The best part about our apartment was that we had the entire place to ourselves. The living room, kitchen and bedroom. For the first time in my life I saw a loft bed. It was in the living room and I even climbed up to see. Although climbing down the wooden ladder was a risk for a g preggo female like me.
Anyways we had a great time there. Although it was so quite that the silence was killing my husband. There was a television too but we were too tired to switch it on. We bade goodbye early in the morning to leave for Praha.
The beauty of travelling lies in doing and staying the local way. Do you agree?

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  1. Wow the house looks absolutely comfy and amazing. I was supposed to go to Budapest last year, but had to change my plans last minute. I will definitely bookmark this place so I can have it in my mind when I am planning for Budapest.

  2. Yes the apartment really looks so beautiful and perfect to spend some quality time with friends and family. Budapest is in my bucket list from very long time. I am bookmarking this post for future. Thanks for the recommendation.

  3. Being an architect I always love the idea of space usage and design. The spaces look wonderful and the courtyards plans are sucha intimate treat within a home....design and travel love

  4. Woow great courtyard , incident will always remain in your mind more than place.

  5. Hungary is a dream. It's been on our list for quite sometime. We wanted to visit this year but God has another plans for the entire world. Loved the way you explored a city and its cultures

  6. isn't that a beautiful courtyard house. it has that old world charm and looks so warm and cozy. so liked your photos.

  7. Wow 5 countries during babymoon... I always found Budapeat very beautiful n scenic and while i have done some part of Europe, I still have to check out Budapest n other countries around

  8. What a lovely post! Although I have not been to Budapest ever, I'd love to go there this year once the travel restrictions are eased out. The courtyard house you've shown in your post is beautiful. I'd love to stay there!

  9. Wow 5 countries at once. That's awesome. Love all the pics. That place looks awesome. So pretty.
