
Easy ways to detox your body

Detoxification or 'Detox' means getting rid of the toxins. Everything needs cleaning and maintenance from time to time whether it's a home appliance or the human body. Our body accumulates unwanted materials and of course toxins over the years. The more frequent you flush them out, the easier...

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Why should you visit Tirta Empul Temple in Bali?

Holy baths have been an age old tradition in Indian culture. They are called 'Nahaan'. You can see crowds of people ...

Build muscle mass in a healthy way

There is so much hoopla about weight amongst us. Some are struggling hard to lose while some want to gain those ...

The one thing you need during this lockdown

This lockdown has been a blow to everyone of us. To put in a better way, this Corona pandemic has disturbed our lives ...

What's the secret to beautiful hair instantly?

Our crowning glory is our most prized possession. Whether its male or female, hair is one's greatest weakness. We ...

Simple secrets of smart girls

For all the girls out there, everyone wants to 'crack' the code that smart 'it' girls seem to have. And for the guys ...

Book Review: Arya Dharma by Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu

Title: Arya Dharma The Nobel Dharma Author: Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu Genre: Non fiction Pages: 610 I was really ...

The Royal Botanical Gardens, Sydney

The best part about these big cities like ( Sydney, Melbourne, New York, Istanbul,etc) is that they have a lot of ...