
How to get rid of unwanted hair in a jiffy?

by - March 17, 2020

Smooth, hairless skin...a desire or a necessity? We all are petrified of unwanted hair and have devised a number of ways to get rid of them over the course of generations and years. While the older generations resorted to home DIY methods like applying gram flour and all, the epilation industry went to a completely new level in the 90's. 
Let's see what all have been done in the hair removal industry:

Laser Hair Removal technique: Laser Hair removal became revolutionary but even after more than 20 years, it's still not that doable. The reasons range from being really expensive, to painful to a time consuming process. It's just not that easy to schedule an appointment every month, shell a lot of money and taking out that much time (especially if you are a mom like me, I hope you understand!) 

Epilators: The electric epilators too are great but again they are painful and bit time consuming. It's a bit of an investment on the first go. Also the usual hassles: battery charging, cleaning, etc etc. Not a very popular choice.

Waxing: Whether it's salon waxing or at home, this is popular among Indians. Salon waxing being way cheaper in India because in the West, a visit to the salon burns a hole in your pocket. However, it's again time consuming as well as painful. For busy bees and mommies like me, we hardly get any time to schedule a salon appointment. So I can safely say that it's for the privileged girlies.
Depilatory creams: Now this is a revolution. It can be used anytime, anywhere, at the convenience of our homes. How cool is that? But I have a better news for you. NEUD Xpose Yourself has come up with a much needed Hair Remover Spray! After their revolutionary Hair Growth Inhibitor, this hair remover spray is like a 'Dream Come True'!

How to use NEUD Hair Remover Spray?

  • Shake well before use.
  • Spray widely over the required areas (for arms and legs; not intimate areas)
  • Wait for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe gently
  • Rinse with water
Getting rid of unwanted hair has become as easy as this. Dreamy, ain't it?

Do a patch test before use.
Do not keep for more than 10 minutes.
Do not use on intimate areas. For those areas, use Everteen Bikini Hair removal cream
Priced at 290INR for a 100 ml spray, this indispensible product is available on all major E commerce sites like Amazon and Flipkart.

Could life get any easier? This hair removal spray is like a boon to me! Goodbye to full pants and sleeves!

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  1. someone as lazy as me must have this product. I keep avoiding going to salon due to the reminder of pain while waxing and blades just make the roots hard, I am heading stratight to amazzon to order it.

    -Ujjwal Mihsra

  2. Many hair removal creams or spray darken the skin. What about this

  3. Wow, this is a fabulous product. This seems easy to use and is fairly priced too. Bookmarking it.

  4. This product seems like a dream come true. Really easy to use and affordable. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Seems like a very useful product, will share the post link with my girlfriend.

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