
Boys please share the load!

by - April 01, 2019

I wish I had a son so that I could teach him all the household stuff which I would be teaching my girls. I believe that chores are chores and none of them are gender biased. It's high time we Indians realize this and establish gender equality in our households. If women can go out, drive and earn equal to that of a man, then why can't a man do the laundry and cook?

We have to start this training from teenage itself. There should not be any discrimination between the upbringing of a son and daughter.

Kudos to Ariel India for coming up with such a great initiative. These cool hamper motivates us to to the fullest to train our sons. The logo grocery bag and apron are my favourites. A constant reminder that sons need to share the load too!
It's a fact that the perspective of a mother and a mother in law is 180 degrees opposite. A mother expects her son in law to help her daughter with all the household chores, love her and pamper her. But this same mother who has a son has a totally different attitude for her own daughter in law. She expects her son to be pampered by his wife and if the son doesn't help her, she neither finds it wrong nor tries to convince him that he needs to share the load with his wife. Have you ever realised how unfair this is?
When a daughter is born in this millennium, she is nurtured to be ambitious and chase her dreams. She gets a job and earns equal or even more than her brother. But when it's the time of her marriage, she is taught all the household chores. From cleaning to dusting to buying groceries and of course cooking and laundry. When a man decides to get married, do the mothers teach them all this? Or why even wait for this stage. I was taught how to make my own bed, clean my room etc etc when I was very young. So why not give the same training to our sons and daughters simultaneously? Is household work really gender specific? No!
This Ariel film carries such an amazing message. I mean I really wish I had a son. I am a progressive mom who happens to be married to an orthodox family who really thinks that household is solely my responsibility. I go to my clinic, attend blogging events, come back home and do all the household chores, take care of my daughters and of course blog. Is not it unfair? I mean shouldn't be the jobs equally divided?
This Ariel #HamperOfEquality is just so thoughtful. Ariel matic powder is suited to top load and Ariel matic liquid for front load machines. It is really tough on stains so washing clothes is a breeze. Also we have a fully automatic machine so I think it's really easy to wash clothes. The laundry bag carries such a nice message. Also the wooden pegs carry superhero stickers. There is a note addressing the man of the family that 'Be a superhero' to your wife. How thoughtful!

There is an apron with a lovely message that would encourage the man to pick up the knife. Also the grocery bag would motivate to pick groceries. Apart from all this, there is a cute colouring book for kids that has pictures of household activities. There is a scool timetable too.
I really wish that my husband absorbs this message and lends me a hand in everything. Let him #ShareTheLoad

“This post is a part of the #ShareTheLoad movement by Ariel in association with BlogAdda

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  1. this is a nice and thoughtful inititive by ariel. though i have a daughter but everyone at our home shares the household chores!

  2. Very well written ! Its amazing to see Ariel bringing the change that is much needed in our society !

  3. I so agree with this. Even boys should be taught all this things. Why only girls have to do all house work. A great initiative by ariel

  4. Ariel has initiated such a great reason for women to celebrate again...I loved reading your blog Mandira!

  5. This is such a great initiative by Ariel. I hope this reaches more and more people and benefits in a good way!

  6. I strongly agree to your point. It is the 21st century, women do not belong in the kitchen or just washing clothes. Men should start joining hands soon.

  7. Im also feeling the same. Its our society where still girls jave to do everything.I will definitely teach my son all the household work so that he can support his wife in future even its imp for him also. I have trained my hisband already 😝😊😊

  8. I love this campaign by Ariel. We need to share the load and support gender equality now.

  9. what a thoughtful initiative by ariel! loved it! and totally loved reading your blog! keep up!

  10. I have been with my partner for over ten years now, and I know that we will be together for a long time yet. It is not easy to find Write My Coursework For Me someone who is compatible, and it is even harder to find someone who can be open-minded enough to love a woman like me. I know my partner would make a great father, and I would make a great mother. We would make the perfect family.
