
Post Pregnancy Care:Things about motherhood no one tells you

 Becoming a mother is the most rewarding experience - no doubt about it but a grueling task nonetheless. From the time of conception, motherhood is a tough and never-ending journey. The first hurdle of motherhood is, of course, the postpartum phase. Being a physician and mom myself, I...

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Do you hate being judged on your external appearance?

People judge you. No matter what. Yes this sounds harsh but it is the truth. You know what is harsher? Being judged on ...

What all to buy from Zaful for the coming Spring season?

Are you ready to shop for spring from Zaful? Is it just me or is everyone experiencing the warmth in the air? With  ...

Cute Gestures to make your better half feel special

As soon as the New Year rolls over, we tend to get over Christmas and New Year Eve parties and start prepping for the ...

What are the possible reasons for hairfall?

We all have been there. And majority of is are still suffering from it. In order to know the major reason of hairfall ...

Losing Hair? Don't lose your mind!

Hair is an important part of our external appearance...in fact the second most after our face. Am I right? Good hair ...