
Levanto, Liguria, Italy

Whenever we visit a place, we make sure we touch its coastline (if its there). Now Italy has such a long coastline that it was impossible to visit all its beaches. Since we were short of time we tried to cover as much as possible, quickly. Though it...

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Happy Birthday To me!

 Ah I just turned a year older! I can't believe I am almost 30! I have to change my blog description now. Maybe ...

Corniglia, Cinque terre, Italy

The quaint village of Corniglia Our second day in Cinque Terre practically started at 12 25 pm. The time at which we ...

Life is easy with Bosch Dishwasher

I am a girl who totally loves to cook and clean. It comes as a surprise to many, but I really love to cook and ...

Where does all the sugar come from?

'Sugar' is the sweetest part of life. I know, nowadays health conscious people would defy this postulate of mine. I ...