
La Dolce Vita

This is probably the commonest Italian phrase you must have come across after of course 'Ciao'. Well I had heard it innumerable times and my favourite travel cum cookery show is also called Dolce Vita. Its run by the famous David Rocco who happens to be my favourite...

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Trastevere, Rome

Across the Tevere river.. The magical thing about Italy is that all the names that you read and know before change ...

Book Review: H R Diaries by Harmindar Singh

Since this is a Hindi book, I decided to review it in Hindi! Happy Reading! एच आर डायरीज : ये उपन्यासकार हरमिंदर सिंह ...

Why did I start blogging?

Blogs came to vogue way back in 2005 – 2006. That time I had just passed out of school and was aloof from the real ...

Serein: The Malabar Hill of Thane

A home amidst greenery and amenities. Is not what we all dream of? But with increasing pollution levels and the ...

Vatican City

I am eternally in love with these fountains! The Vatican City is special in so many ways.Its the smallest independent ...