
Ancient Athens, Greece

by - September 24, 2016

Ancient Athens Tour

The theatre of Dionysus
After an exhausting tour of the jaw dropping Acropolis complex, we proceeded to visit the rest of archaeological sites. Our first stop was the theatre of Dynosius. It is a huge amphitheatre. It was fenced from all around so that no one could climb the steps and cause possible damage. I had told ya how the Greeks are possessive about their ruins!

In love with the Greek Doors

Since the sun was too hot to handle, I did not waste much time in posing there. Our next stop was the Acropolis Museum. We changed our mind last minute and dropped the idea. Firstly museums don't allow photography. So it won't be any use to my travelogue. Secondly the entrance fees were rather high. So why waste so much money on something which I can't even record?

With a newly married couple...just free from the altar!
Then we proceeded towards the Temple of Zeus. It required quite a bit of walking. On the way we came across a wedding. We were lucky that we could catch few glimpses of the beautiful ceremony! The bride and groom were impeccably dressed and I managed to take a picture with them.
The Hadrian Arch
The way to the Temple was through the Hadrian Arch. For that we had to cross broad roads without any zebra crossing. And the tram tracks zigzagged it all over. Fortunately we made it to the other side in one piece :D After finishing (almost) all the ruins of ancient Athens, we proceeded towards a different part of the city that was newly constructed.
The Temple of Olympus
Ancient statues
Cute kids playing the accordion..
The policemen were no less handsome than Tom Cruise!!
Tram lines...Wide roads without any zebra crossing

Dress: Zara
Purse: Aldo
Hat: Accessorize (Malaysia)
Sunnies: from Bangkok
Necklace: Forever21

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  1. Wow! I simply love your look! You look stunning and dress is sheer beauty! <3 And yes, I do own an identical hat like yours! :)

  2. Incredible jealous, I've always wanted to go to Greece! Your outfit is gorg- so effortless and stylish! It'd mean the world if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think! Much love Holly xo


  3. Your dress is beautiful :) And I loved the picture with the newly weds!


  4. Loved your dress. You look simply cute.Great post.

  5. Hope you had an amazing trip babe!! Looks gorgeous <3

    XO, Jessi

  6. Oh my gosh...ancient Athens looks straight out of a dream...n ur dress is WOW!

