
Jungle trail

I have been an ardent nature lover right from childhood. So much was my penchant for blooms and greens that my dad used to say that he would marry me to a guy who owns a flower business firm!! Anyways my love for flora and fauna made botany...

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glittering JUNGCEYLON

Its been about one and a half years that I had been to Phuket but the memories are as fresh as if I had come back just ...

'Medical Tourism'

For starters, don't go by the name of the post :D For those who don't know, medical tourism is where patients go ...

the pillion ride...

I am petrified of bikes. I know it may sound very strange to girls as chicks love being a pillion rider!! I feel ...

hello 2015!!

Once again a very happy new year!! So how has the new year started treating you? Have you made any resolutions or you ...