
Its Christmas!!

by - December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas my dear readers! This is one of my favourite festivals of the year after Durga Puja and Diwali! I know that its a winter festival but I wish it was a bit warmer! I hate foggy mornings and overcast skies. Long story short, this is our first Christmas with our daughter. Therefore I am a little more excited!

Christmas celebration for me starts from the beginning of December when the malls put up their trees. I love to go to every single mall in Delhi to see their festive decorations and believe me Delhi has a HUGE number of malls! My partner in crime does not get excited during this time of the year though he had studied in a missionary school all his life. He accompanies me to most of the places nonetheless. But this year it has been different; difficult rather. My parents had gone for a long vacation after we came back from Goa and hence my trusted baby sitter was missing!

I usually prefer to keep my kid with my mom instead of taking her with us on our wanderings! I believe infants should be refrained from being part of crazy plans. But since I did not have any other option, I had to cut down on our Christmas celebration hopping. We took her to a couple of places and then we decided to take a break. Anyways when she will be a bit older, she would accompany me in all my crazy plans! Uninterested hubs are you listening? ;)

P.s For the first time in my life I am wearing sneakers with an outfit (and not heels). This is what happens when heels are abused inappropriately! I twisted my ankle badly while returning from Goa. It was so grave that I would to return to Delhi in a wheelchair! I should be thankful that I am able to walk after two weeks. God knows when I would be able to wear heels again :(

wish you a very Happy Christmas!!

my baby's first christmas!!

joy to the world!!

jingle all the way...

christmasy solar system!

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  1. Hello sweetie
    Adorable pictures (as always)
    Merry Christmas <3 <3 <3
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  2. I love ur outfit...especially the colour.
    n ur girl is supercute.


  3. I love your sweater! Merry Christmas!

  4. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas! I love these photos.

  5. Hope you had an amazing Christmas :)
    And I like seeing you in sneakers. Anyway, hope your ankle gets better soon!

  6. Bela simagens arrasou, Desejo para voce que mim segue no blog, fan page, facebook e curte o meu canal, anônimos e amigos eu desejo 2015 com muito SUCESSO, não adianta desejar feliz ano novo se cometermos os mesmos erros do ano velho, que sejamos mais sábios, mais autocríticos e fazer as coisas por merecer, eu desejo para mim e para todos que faz parte do meu dia a dia, Feliz Ano Novo, que este ano seja superado pelo velho em felicidades, amor, esperança, fé, paz e que o ano seguinte seja em dobro, tenha um feliz e prospero ano novo. Que DEUS reine em cada vida e que DEUS seja o primeiro em tudo nas suas vidas.

  7. Great post! love your photo's too :)


  8. Very pretty sweater. I really like all the shade of pastel. <3

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