
colour up your life

I love going to blogger meets and when they are on Saturdays, I dont miss them!! Day before yesterday, Wella had organised one where beauty, fashion and lifestyle bloggers were invited. The theme was colour up your life. Since colours are the essence of life, I eagerly looked...

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Lapu Lapu

So it was our last afternoon, last evening and hence the last night. We had to make the full of it so what if I was ...

Nalasuan Island

So it was our last full day on this amazing island and it had to be the best!! We had reserved the most awaited ...

Loboc River cruise

This was the second part of our Bohol trip. I love water ( you all know by now I am pretty much sure ;p) and hence was ...

life lately

My life has been crazy for the past 15 days!! No I dont mean running non stop after my daughter... She drives me crazy ...