
a chilly Sunday morning

I have never been a morning person. However my work has always compelled me to wake up at the earliest and leave the house before the sun could shine...especially in winters. My Yoga days were an utmost torture; at least now I can have my breakfast nicely before...

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I am sure we all have cherished it. Yes, I am talking about childhood. Don't you want to be a child again?? I know ...

MANILA..its past and its present...

Its been quite a while that we have come back from our Philippines trip but the memories are still fresh in our mind ...

glittering DIWALI..

Finally after an eventful and hectic week, we are done with the festivities. Gifts and sweets have been exchanged ...

festivities galore...

Its November. There is nip in the air, the markets are flooding with oranges and other winter fruits and its the time ...