
Significant movies watched in January and February

 As promised in my previous post, here is a list of handpicked movies that I really loved, which I had gotten through in the previous two months. I have watched more, but they were insignificant. 1. Where the crawdads sing:This movie is based on a best selling novel by...

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Shows watched in the first two months of 2025

It's already a week of the third month of 2025. How did time fly so fast? Or is it just me? Anyways, March is another ...

How motherhood is different for each child

 Disclaimer: I am not sure that I am fully eligible to comment on this topic as I have only 2 kids. However I follow a ...

Budget Friendly Foreign Destinations to travel from India

 20 Foreign Getaways from India That Won’t Break the Bank!Traveling internationally doesn’t have to be pricey. For ...

Book review: The extra ordinary life of Max Bulandi by Sidharth Singh

 Title: The extra ordinary life of Max Bulandi Author: Sidharth Singh Genre: Fiction Pages: 244Publisher: Harper ...

Book review: Dakini by K Hari Kumar

 Title: DakiniAuthor: K. Hari Kumar Genre: Fiction/ Horror Pages: 368Publisher: Harper Collins The name sounds scary ...

How to develop interest in food in kids?

 If you are anything like majority of the mortals, you love food. I mean what's better than a good spread? But a ...